At the age of 8 I had already been bitten by the music bug.  Constantly singing around the house and writing original lyrics in my Journal, I begged my parents for guitar lessons so I could put music to my words. Since then I’ve lead countless bands, performed hundreds of shows, continued to write original music and Received a bachelor’s degree in Professional Music from Berklee College of music Magna Cum laude.  

THE PATH TO LEARNING CAN OFTEN FEEL OVERWHELMING. AS SOMEONE WHO HAS NEAR 30 years experience, playing, practicing, performing, writing and recording. I’ve had to over come many road blocks in my musical journey.

Drawing from these experiences, I strive to make my students musical journey as smooth as possible, and have the confidence to be self sufficient on their instrument.  I create an environment that nurtures creativity and personal growth.

I treat my students as musical peers and believe everyone is deserving of knowledge.  No GATEKEEPING, no egos, and equal access for EVERYONE.  

Join me in an open hearted environment and come into your full creative self.